Upping the miles and watching my idols
Monday 3rd July 2017
This week began with my class trip to The Houses of Parliament. This meant an early start so there wasn't time to run in the morning. I wasn't actually sure that there'd be time to at all today (oh no- panic!) as I was going straight from work to running club for a meeting. Luckily, John saved the day and packed my running kit so I could run home after the GWR comittee meeting. Just 2.5 miles but better than nothing.
Tuesday 4th July 2017
Today was the next in the series of the Eastville Park races. Just 2miles tonight -brill! To get the miles in, John and I ran to and from the race. Unfortunately, the race itself wasn't especially quick but I was very consistent - both miles at exactly 6:19 MM. pace.

Wednesday 5th July 2017
Really chuffed with today's efforts. 17 miles in total.
I ran to and from school (3miles each way). A really lovely day for it - just enjoying running for fun!
Then 11 miles with the GWR crew. The Maestro had created an exciting new route. Once we'd got out of the hideous field of long grass (a nightmare for any hay fever sufferers), I actually really enjoyed the route - well done Dad!
Thursday 6th July 2017
Today was our school’s sports day so we headed out early for a warm up so I would be ready for the teachers race! (Yes I did win the hotly contested egg and spoon race!). 5 very slow miles but round a beautiful, sunny Ashton Court.
In the evenings we had our first PT session in a while. Lots of competition between John and myself - and annoyingly - he's starting to win! Must get stronger!
Friday 7th July 2017
This morning we were feeling radical so we tried a different morning route! Heading out towards Victoria park, it felt good to have a change of scenery. Victoria is a great park to run around because there are lots of tarmac paths following different routes. This is also where our nearest Jr. Park run is held- I am planning on bringing my running club here on mass next year- quite a few of them already go regularly.
Lunchtime was my last running club of the academic year. I asked the kids to vote on their choice of route today and was pleased that, during the vote, lots of them chose different routes which shows me that I am catering for different preferences. The winning route was the local woods so we headed off for just over 1 mile of running.
Saturday 8th July 2017
Due to our busy day tomorrow, we had to do our long run today. Not wanting to miss parkrun, John cunningly planned a route that would finish at the start at the right time. It was a really good run. I felt strong and the 8-8:30 pace felt really easy. I think running a similar route at target marathon pace the week before made this weeks steady miles feel fab! Parkrun was also good. Not good enough for a podium finish and I was way off my usual pace for the uphill but I did have 12miles in my legs at that point
17.2miles at an average pace of 8:24 not too shabby for my 2nd long run of the week.
Sunday 9th July 2017
I am, at this moment, writing this on a coach returning to Bristol from an amazing day at the anniversary games.
So inspiring to watch Laura Muir, Jess Judd, Dina Asha-Smith, Andy Butchart, Tom Bosworth (who ran a world record for the race walk - 1 mile faster than I could run it- 5:35!) and of course - Sir Mo. I had such a wonderful day and was itching to get down onto the track and race!
Owning to this event, we were up early again (no lie ins this week!) to get a steady 5.6 in.
Why exactly 5.6 you ask? Well, to keep my OCD at bay- I've now totaled 60miles exactly for the week!
Quite a short and not especially exciting blog but I'm rather tired and still alcohol infused which is making typing challenging!
The aim for next week is just to try and run as much as possible because I've got loads on at school and IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!
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